Broadcasting LIVE from Kisii to Nyamira, Bomet, Kericho, Kilgoris, Kisumu, Migori, Homabay, Sirare and all
adjacent counties. Also active Online on Facebook,Twitter,Youtube and Tiktok as Ndizi Tv News and on our website
on Website as
- Ndizi Television Enterprises is a mini-national/Regional commercial Television
Station broadcasting from Embassy Kisii. Ndizi Tv broadcasts both religious and
secular programs, targeting all age groups in our population. - With the Professional and experienced Staff, Ndizi Tv has state-of-the-art equipment allowing us to broadcast LIVE programs from Kisii to the world, as well as stream live on Facebook and
YouTube from time to time. - Ndizi Tv is up to date on the advancement of Technology thus giving the audience real-time
updates onvarious events and happenings. - Ndizi Tv prides in the quality of content, clarity and strong signal. We shall strive to become
a self-sustaining media enterprise for the Kisii community to educate, unify, encourage,
broadcast and nurture creative talents of residents and the general public.