Why you should not Work with your Husband
Just like it is a bad idea to work with a family member. It's even worse to work with your spouse in the same office or workplace.

Just like it is a bad idea to work with a family member. It's even worse to work with your spouse in the same office or workplace.
Very few people have the mental capability and capacity to separate work related issues from personal lives at home and be able to manage it while their spouses are around the vicinity the whole time.
In order to have a healthy working environment, one should never bring personal stuffs into the office like having an argument at home and carrying that mood to the office. It's difficult to work together after having the issue unsolved at home and here you are together the work flow may be tampered with as well as carrying work home.
It is easy to support each other when working in different workplaces as one can borrow some knowledge from the other or help each other in completing the tasks once when one is fatigued from the daily activities.
Spouse partnership in work places can be complicated as they interact and deal with different kinds of people. It may hurt one if a colleague exchanges harsh words to their partner making it difficult to work with that person. Also one has to limit the boundaries on how he or she reacts to their surroundings like not being too friendly to a colleague of the opposite gender while the partner of the same gender is there that may cause problems.
Couples who spend most of their time together don’t mean they are happy and having fun. When it comes to married life, quantity does not always equal quality. One of the biggest shortcomings of a husband and wife working together in the same organization is that they get a feeling of boredom.
Their routine is unchanged because they encounter each other every day at work. After some time, boredom sets in since they don't have anything to talk about because they spend so much time together. They won't be interested in having any kind of conversation.
After a certain point, this could cause tension in their marriage and they might lead to conflicts in their relationship.
Yes, working together makes the both of you grow professionally, spend more time together, plan vacations together and also improve the love bond, but sometimes one needs to be alone and reflect on some personal issues.
It's a bad idea to work together as couple and it could ruin your relationship with your partner.
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