Meet James Kihenu:Man who Makes Ksh 600,000 a Month from Nyamachoma business
Nyamachoma is a very popular dish in Kenyan restaraunts and is enjoyed by many revellers. Mr James Kihenu was an employee at a Choma restaraunt for around six years before he started to run his own Choma joints. The joint quickly became popular raking in over kshs600,00 every month.

Nyamachoma is a very popular dish in Kenyan restaraunts and is enjoyed by many revellers. Mr James Kihenu was an employee at a Choma restaraunt for around six years before he started to run his own Choma joints. The joint quickly became popular raking in over kshs600,00 every month.
James had always wanted to start his own business since he was a child, he even dreamt of becoming an accountant. Lack of school fees forced him to drop out of school and it necessisated him to do casual jobs to earn a living. James worked many odd jobs before he landed a job as a butchery assistant in Ngong.
The experiences he earned from being a butchery attendant aroused his enterprenurial spirit and he realised that he would make more money from selling roast meat rather than selling it while it was raw.
Mr Kihenu quit employment in 2011 after he had saved enough money to start his own business. Kihenu narrates that he had saved money in the tune of Kshs30,000 and that acquiring licences to run the business had ate up a huge percentile of his startup income.
It was a challenging start for him but eventually his business started growing and a year after he started the business he started earning monthly profits of up to Kshs600,000. He could later start another similar business which meant that his profits had doubled.
Today, James Kihenu employs over 70 employees and runs a chain of butcheries around the city. He slaughters over 100 animals in day and his profits continue to soar.
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