Conjunctivitis, also known as "pink eye," is an inflammation of the conjunctiva brought on by allergies or infections. Your eyes are irritated, red, and occasionally discharge a sticky substance. Conjunctivitis can affect one or both of your eyes. While many varieties of pink eye are not very contagious, some are and can spread quickly from person to person.

Feb 2, 2024 - 13:32
Feb 2, 2024 - 13:36
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  • Conjunctivitis, also known as "pink eye," is an inflammation of the conjunctiva brought on by allergies or infections. Your eyes are irritated, red, and occasionally discharge a sticky substance. Conjunctivitis can affect one or both of your eyes. While many varieties of pink eye are not very contagious, some are and can spread quickly from person to person.

There are three primary forms of conjunctivitis.

How Does Pink Eye Occur?

• Symptoms of Pink Eye;

• Treatment for Pink Eye;

• Prevent Pink Eye from Spreading

What Are Conjunctivitis's Principal Causes?

It is possible for a virus, bacterium, or allergies to cause conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria and viruses can travel quickly from one person to another. Contagious allergic conjunctivitis does not exist.

Viral Conjunctivitis

A red inflamede eye suffering from viral conjunctivitis. Image courtesy

Viral conjunctivitis is the most common type of conjunctivitis. This type of pink eye is very contagious and often spreads through schools and other crowded places. It usually causes burning, red eyes with a watery discharge. Viral conjunctivitis is usually caused by the same virus that causes runny nose and sore throat in people with the common cold.

Bacterial conjunctivitis


Inflammation abd mucus from bacterial conjunctivitis. Image courtesy

Bacterial conjunctivitis is also very contagious. An infection from bacteria causes this form of pink eye. With bacterial conjunctivitis, you have sore, red eyes with a lot of sticky pus in the eye. Some bacterial infections, however, may cause little or no discharge. Sometimes the bacteria that cause pink eye are the same that cause strep throat.

Allergic conjunctivitis


Inflammation from allergic conjunctivitis. Image Courtesy

Allergic conjunctivitis is a type of pink eye that comes from an allergic reaction to pollen, animals, cigarette smoke, pool chlorine, car fumes or something else in the environment. It is not contagious. Allergic pink eye makes your eyes very itchy, red and watery, and the eyelids may get puffy.

How Do You Get Conjunctivitis?

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can spread quickly. The contagious kind of pink eye is primarily spread by direct touch, generally through hand-to-eye contact, with an infected person's bodily fluids.

• The infection spreading due to bacteria in the individual's sinuses and nose.

• Improper cleaning of contact lenses. There are additional concerns when wearing ornamental or ill-fitting contact lenses.

The most susceptible age group for pink eye infection caused by viruses or bacteria is children. This is a result of their frequent interactions with numerous people at daycare facilities or schools. They also don't maintain proper hygiene.

How Do I Know If I'm Getting Pink Eye?


Inflamed conjunctivitis of pink eye. Image Courtesy

The following are possible signs of pink eye: red eyes; a scratchy or foreign object feeling in the eye;

• eyes that burn, scratchy, or hurt (typically from the bacterial form); • eyes that are watery

bulging eyelids; foggy or fuzzy vision; increased sensitivity to light; and an abundance of mucus, pus, or thick yellow discharge coming from your eyes. Your eyelashes may cling together from too much.

 What Is the Best Treatment for Conjunctivitis?

Treating your pink eye usually depends on the type of conjunctivitis you have.

  • There is no specific treatment for conjunctivitis caused by most viruses. Your body fights the virus on its own. Placing a cool, wet washcloth on your eyes can help make them feel more comfortable.
  • If your pink eye is caused by a bacterial infection, your ophthalmologist may prescribe antibiotic eye drops, depending on how severe your symptoms are. Antibiotics do not treat an infection caused by a virus or by allergy.
  • If your conjunctivitis is due to allergies, you might be told to use certain eye drops to help with the itchiness and puffiness.
  • Sometimes conjunctivitis can be caused by a chemical or other substance in your eye. In this case, rinse the eye free of the substance. You might be told to use certain eye drops or ointment for the eyes.

Conjunctivitis usually goes away on its own within 1–2 weeks. If your symptoms last longer than that, you should see your ophthalmologist. He or she can make sure you don't have a more serious eye problem.

How Do You Stop Conjunctivitis from Spreading?

Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses can pass from one person to another. To avoid re-infecting yourself or other people, heed these tips.

•After every wipe of your face and eyes, use a fresh towel or tissue.

• Often wash your hands. Always wash them after you go to the bathroom, just after eating, right after you cough or sneeze.

 • Aim to avoid touching your eyes. If so, immediately wash your hands. Bacteria can survive in makeup, which can result in pink eye or even a potentially fatal corneal infection. When your eyes are inflamed, avoid wearing makeup around them. If you have an infection in your eyes, take off all makeup. And never give someone else's eye makeup.

• Observe that you replace or clean your contact lenses precisely as prescribed by your ophthalmologist. Until the conjunctivitis clears up, you shouldn't wear contact lenses.


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