Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja said that he was going to make Nairobi work. During the electioneering period he assured Nairobi citizens that he was going to make the city work.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja said that he was going to make Nairobi work. During the electioneering period he assured Nairobi citizens that he was going to make the city work.
Jokes on everybody that believed him, in the last few weeks and months Sakaja has been subject for controversy after three separate parliament committees fined him for avoiding sermons to address senate.
Senator Edwin Sifuna has called him out for what he says that is incompetence and corruption within his administration. Sifuna in senate Public Accounts Committee probing with Governor Sakaja highlighted that some employees in the Disaster and Fire management team did not have qualifications in the dockets they hold, with two of them having degrees in theology.
Last week at Bomas, his excellency the Deputy president boldly told President Ruto that if he resolved the issue of very senior government officials who have fake degrees then he would save a lot in monies going to wage bill.
The Nairobi senator has been very critical about how Sakaja is operating the county and has even said that he doesn’t pick his phone calls.
The big question is will Nairobi work. Senator Sifuna has alluded to many instances where the county government is failing and it looks like Sakaja can’t work out his Nairobi mathematics.
With all said and done the other question is will leaders put aside their party politics and actually do the work they are elected for. But, for the battle in Nairobi supremacy we will have to wait and see what happens.
At the moment Sifuna is thrashing Sakaja by far in his oversight role, but Nairobians will hope that Sakaja makes the city work and eliminate the doubt in his abilities to run the city.
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